What advice would you give to your 15-year-old self?

#PowerOfLove #OvercomingDoubts #SelfReflection #LifeAdvice #EmbracingLove #PersonalGrowth #SelfAcceptance #Inspiration #Motivation #YouAreLoved
How I Became a Bestselling Author in Just 2 Months!

Discover the grassroots organizing strategies I used to promote my book and become a bestseller. Learn how I teamed up with Jack Canfield and reached almost 840
Developing Your Core Values: Building Relationships Consciously

Learn how to develop a strong core value system and create conscious relationships. Discover how to take responsibility for your own wounds and communicate effectively. Join us as we explore the power of language in co-creating partnerships and embracing the conscious feminine. #CoreValues #ConsciousRelationships #EffectiveCommunication #LanguagePower #CoCreatingPartnerships #ConsciousFeminine #SelfResponsibility #EmbracingWounds #PersonalGrowth #RelationshipBuilding
Unlock Your Leadership Potential: Executive Coaching for Boss Ladies

Discover how executive coaching can help badass boss ladies unleash their power
The Power of Authenticity: Unleash Your Inner Sledgehammer

Discover the importance of courageous authenticity and why being honest and raw in your communication can lead to trust and growth. Learn how to cut through the bullshit and build genuine connections. #PowerOfAuthenticity #HonestCommunication #GenuineConnections #BuildingTrust #RawAndReal #CourageousAuthenticity #EffectiveCommunication #PersonalGrowth #SelfDevelopment #AuthenticLiving
How My Mom’s Influence and Tragic Loss Inspired My Book

Discover how my rebelliousness
Embracing Dyslexia: Finding Genius in the Ridiculousness of Life

Discover the power of embracing dyslexia and celebrating our unique abilities. Join us as we discuss the importance of not letting labels define us and the value of laughter in our journey. Let’s break free from societal expectations and unleash our true potential. #DyslexiaEmpowerment #EmbracingUniqueness #FindingGenius #BreakingLabels #LaughingThroughLife #UnleashingPotential #EmbraceTheRidiculousness #InclusionMatters #CelebratingAbilities #EmbracingDifferences
Meeting People Where They’re At: The Key to Success

Discover the power of meeting people where they are and how it can redefine your success. Learn about the different definitions of success and how being surrounded by the right people can impact your journey. Join us as we explore the importance of personal happiness and pursuing your desires. #MeetingPeople #SuccessDefinition #FindingHappiness #PersonalGrowth #Relationships #FamilyLife #FinancialSuccess #Motivation #SupportSystem #SurroundYourself
From Juvenile Delinquent to Life Changer: My Inspiring Journey

Join me as I share my personal growth story
Empowering Women: Finding Your Voice and Succeeding in the Business World

Discover the challenges women face in the business world and learn how to overcome them. With only 3% of companies led by female CEOs